How to Create A Happier Salon in 7 Simple Steps

Written by Hairco and Beauty

Clients leave our salons feeling a million pounds; full of confidence, and free from any worries they’ve unloaded in the chair. But, do your team leave feeling the same? Sure, your job is to ensure your client’s are happy, but when was the last time you checked in with the gang? Your team make your salon, and your salon will only be successful with a happy team. Let’s look at how to create a happier salon..

1. Get Talking!

How often are you happy when somebody else is making all the decisions and leaving you felt unheard? We’re going to guess, umm NEVER! Get your team involved in decision making and general discussion about your salon, you’ll get fantastic first hand feedback AND increase team happiness.

2. Take your boss hat off! 

As well as talking, you have to be THE listener! You have a responsibility to ensure your team feel heard, feel they can come to you with any issues. Like your team do for your clients everyday, they may need somebody to unload on too. Offering full support, not just as a boss, but as a figure with nonjudgemental open communication is a sure way to boost team happiness. 

3. Health is wealth 

Your team are in your salon more than they are at home! Make sure you’re doing all you can to boost their well-being. This can include providing your team with fresh fruit, a full jar of coffee, a comfortable area they can relax in (when they have 30 seconds spare). Ask your team what they would find beneficial, as each salon will be different. 

One of our fab HairCo followers said, “I supply all my girls with a subscription for perks, this includes reduced rates on Spotify, cheaper gym membership , free meditation apps and loads more.”

Hannah at ENVY says she has partnered up with a local nail salon and negotiated that all her staff receive 50% off pedicures as they’re on their feet all day and deserve a bit of pampering! 

4. Let’s make a blood bond! 

Ok, please don’t cut yourselves and share any blood, but get your team bonding! Salon teams work best when they have a relationship beyond colleagues. Socialising and having fun builds bonds and creates a more efficient, happier salon. Organise a trip out for the day or a restaurant evening, the possibilities are endless! 

Hannah at ENVY says that despite her team being the far apart from each other during the COVID lockdown, she organised weekly online games nights/quizzes and her team have since been stronger and more supportive of each other. Hannah now organises monthly meet ups that have included film nights, a cocktail making class, and a nipple tassel workshop – oh lala!

5. Keep it clean and your team will never be mean 

Did you know that mess and clutter around your salon can have a negative impact on mental health. Lots of studies linked to clutter show the creation of stress and anxiety for those around it. If you’d like to read further into this have a look at this Psychology Today Article

Clean, clear and open space in a salon is essential for your teams wellbeing, and highly important to create a happier salon. Think bright open spaces with lots of light and minimal clutter around; this leaves your team able to feel calm, focused and creative. 

All areas in the salon should feel as the above; don’t create a perfect salon floor and then pile your ‘junk’ in the back for your team to sit in when away from clients! This will overwhelm them and create anxiety, a terrible combo for your hair artists! 

6. Keep it stocked, locked and loaded

Have you ever had a consultation with a client, thought of the perfect formula, gone to mix up, only to find you’re missing a tube? The frustration is REAL! Or, have you searched for the perfect sized barrel tong you want to use on your client only to find another stylist is using it. Make sure you have enough equipment and stock check regularly and order enough to ensure your team have all they need to thrive for your salon and clients. 

7. No phones allowed!

This may be a little shocking to your team as we’re all pretty addicted to our phones, but phones on the salon floor can be detrimental for your team and clients. 

Banning phones on the salon floor means full concentration and a peaceful mind when working. We all need a digital break for our mental health; FACT. 

Also, when your clients are in the salon, they expect your teams attention, if your team are on their phones your clients may feel ignored and like they are not getting the service they’re paying for. 

8. Invest in growth 

Whether personal or professional, showing you have a keen interest in your teams growth is essential for a happier salon. Send your team on regular training, give them access to self help materials or even provide a little library of growth books in the back for them to take home. A thriving, growing team is a happy team. 

A happy team contributes to a successful salon, so follow the steps above and create a happier salon today!